The Dark Knight Rises is a 2012 British-American superhero movie directed by Christopher Nolan, who co-wrote the screenplay with his sibling Jonathan Nolan, and the tale with David S. Goyer. Showcasing the DC Comic books personality Batman, the movie is the last installation in Nolan's Batman film trilogy, and the sequel to Batman Begins (2005) as well as The Dark Knight (2008). Christian Bale reprises the lead duty of Bruce Wayne/Batman, with a returning actors of allies: Michael Caine as Alfred Pennyworth, Gary Oldman as James Gordon, as well as Morgan Freeman as Lucius Fox. The movie introduces Selina Kyle (Anne Hathaway), as well as Bane (Tom Hardy). Eight years after the occasions of The Dark Knight, violent cutting edge Bane forces an older Bruce Wayne to resume his function as Batman and also conserve Gotham City from nuclear damage.
Christopher Nolan was hesitant regarding returning to the collection momentarily time, yet agreed after developing a story with his bro and Goyer that he really felt would wrap up the collection on a satisfactory note. Nolan drew inspiration from Bane's comics launching in the 1993 "Knightfall" storyline, the 1986 series The Dark Knight Returns, and also the 1999 storyline "No Guy's Land". Recording happened in locations consisting of Jodhpur, London, Nottingham, Glasgow, Los Angeles, New york city City, Newark, and also Pittsburgh. Nolan utilized IMAX 70 mm film electronic cameras for much of the shooting, consisting of the initial 6 minutes of the film, to enhance the high quality of the image. A vehicle variant of the Batplane and Batcopter called the "Bat", a below ground jail collection, as well as a brand-new Batcave collection were developed particularly for the movie. Similar to The Dark Knight, viral advertising and marketing campaigns started early during production. When shooting wrapped up, Warner Bros. redoubled its campaign: creating marketing web sites, releasing the initial six mins of the film, evaluating staged trailers, as well as sending details concerning the film's story.
The Dark Knight Rises premiered in New York City on July 16, 2012. The film was released in Australia and also New Zealand on July 19, 2012, and also in North America and also the UK on July 20, 2012. It got positive reviews from doubters, many of whom named it one of the very best movies of 2012. [5] Like its predecessor, the film grossed over $1 billion worldwide at the box office, making it the second film in the Batman movie collection to gain $1 billion. It is currently the 16th-highest-grossing film of all time, the third-highest-grossing film of 2012, as well as the fourth-highest-grossing superhero movie of all time.
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