Millennium Actress (千年女優 Sennen Joyū?) is a 2001 Japanese animated postmodernist comedy-drama experience movie co-written and directed by Satoshi Kon and also animated by the Workshop Madhouse. Freely based on the lives of starlets Setsuko Hara and Hideko Takamine, it informs the story of two docudrama filmmakers investigating the life of a retired acting legend. As she informs them the story of her life, the distinction in between reality and also cinema becomes obscured.
A movie studio is being taken down. TELEVISION interviewer Genya Tachibana has actually tracked down its finest known star, Chiyoko Fujiwara, who has been a monk since she relinquished acting some Three Decade ago. Tachibana delivers a crucial to her, and it triggers her to review her profession; as she's telling the tale, Tachibana and Kyoji Ida, his long-suffering cameraman, are drawn in. The key was given to her as a teenager by a painter and revolutionary that she helped to escape the cops. She comes to be an actress since it will certainly make it feasible to track him down, as well as she spends the next several decades acting out that search in different categories as well as periods
Complying with the release of Satoshi Kon's previous movie Perfect Blue, Kon considered adapting the Yasutaka Tsutsui novel Paprika (1993) right into his following movie. Nonetheless, these strategies were delayed when the circulation company for Perfect Blue, Rex Amusement, went bankrupt. [6] Centuries Starlet had an estimated spending plan of $1.2 million. [1] The screenplay was written by Sadayuki Murai, [7] who utilized a seamless connection in between impression and also truth to create a "Trompe-l'œil kind of film". [8] Centuries Actress is the very first Satoshi Kon film to feature Susumu Hirasawa, whom Kon was a veteran follower of, as author. [9]
When generating Millennium Starlet, Kon created an one-of-a-kind mix of both his memories as well as his imagination, aiming making Millennium Starlet as well as Perfect Blue two various interpretations of the same idea, a tale told from 2 various viewpoints. His purpose was to have both films as sis movies, both managing the Male stare. [10] In Perfect Blue, the look is shown as an adverse, patriarchal one, however in Centuries Starlet is projected in a more favorable light, permitting Chiyoko to keep her identity untainted. [11] The movie additionally presents various referrals to Japanese record, consisting of the Edo period as well as Manchukuo, and also gives it a nostalgic aesthetic. It is seen not as a sequence of events unraveling in real time, but rather in a retrospective, lighthearted point of view.
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